Corporate & Tax

Starting a business in Malta

Malta, strategically located at the heart of the Mediterranean, is a business-friendly environment ripe with opportunities. Malta is a full member of the European Union and offers attractive tax incentives for companies. Starting a business in Malta is easy and straightforward. English is an official language and widely used for business with official documentation and legislation also being in English.  

Vertex Alliance can assist with all aspects of setting up a business here in Malta.

Choice of Type of Business Entity

We can help clients decide on the type of business entity to establish. Common options include a limited liability company, partnership and branch.

Reserve a Business Name

Our team can help check the availability of the preferred business name with the Malta Business Registry. Once approved, the name can be reserved for a certain period.

Directors and Shareholders

A private limited liability company must have at least one director and one shareholder. These roles can be held by the same person or separate individuals/entities. Shareholders can be of any nationality.

Registered Office & Company Secretary

We can assist clients by providing a registered office address in Malta and providing company secretarial services.

Incorporation Documentation

Vertex Alliance will prepare the necessary incorporation documents, including the Memorandum and Articles of Association. These documents outline the company's structure, purpose, and internal regulations.

Documentation Submission

We can assist with statutory filings with the Malta Business Registry and various authorities on the client's behalf.

Permits and Licences

Depending on the nature of the business, we can help you to obtain the permits or licences required to operate in Malta.

Business Bank Account

We can assist with opening a bank account for your company.

Tax Registration

We can help clients register their business for tax purposes, including VAT (Value Added Tax) if applicable.

Employment and Social Security

We help clients register as employers with the tax authorities for the purposes of withholding employee tax and social security contributions and paying to the tax authorities on their behalf.

Compliance and Reporting

Understanding the ongoing compliance requirements, such as filing annual returns and Beneficial Owner confirmations, annual financial statements and maintaining proper records, is crucial for the proper governance of a company. Vertex Alliance can assist clients with these compliance requirements.

At Vertex Alliance we are committed to transparency and investor protection.  We listen to the needs of our clients and develop investment solutions to meet their objectives. 

Our Corporate & Tax Services

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