Investment Opportunities and Strategic Choice in Europe for Plan B

2022.11.12 - Los Angeles (MH)

Vertex Alliance’s Managing Director, Kenneth Camilleri, participated yesterday in an investment migration panel discussion entitled, ‘Investment Opportunities and Strategic Choice in Europe for Plan B’. The panel was held during the America Outbound Summit in Los Angeles.

The panel consisted of leading investment migration professionals from various European jurisdictions including Malta, Portugal and Italy.

The panel focussed on the growing trend of American high net worth individuals looking for European solutions that provide increased mobility, safer livelihoods, and financial freedom.

Some of the key topics discussed included:

  • The changing mindsets of wealthy American individuals who have been considering a plan B.
  • The reasons that citizens of America are looking to broaden their citizenship and residency possibilities.
  • The factors that investors need to consider when changing domicile or place of permanent residence.
  • The implications for tax planning and wealth management for investors.

With over 15 years in the industry, Kenneth Camilleri, spoke about his experience with Malta’s two main investment migration options: –

Citizenship for Exceptional Services for Direct Investment (CDI) – that offers American third-county nationals the opportunity to apply for a passport of Malta. 

Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) – that offers citizens of the United States the opportunity to apply for a permanent residence certificate, which confers the right to live, settle and reside indefinitely in Malta.


For further information about the abovementioned options, please get in touch with the Vertex Alliance team.  

Further Reading


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