By means of a circular published on its website and circulated to practitioners on 8th October, the Malta Business Registry (MBR) has advised that as from 1st November 2024, companies will only be able to submit their annual audited financial statements via the MBR’s online system. This change is in line with the MBR’s intentions to reduce processing times and provide a more environmentally friendly approach and marks another step forward in the MBR’s commitment to become fully paperless by 2025. Dr Geraldine Spiteri Lucas noted that since its introduction, practitioners have increasingly made use of the MBR’s online system, which prompted the MBR to further explore automated solutions aimed at simplifying business processes.
“The ability to submit company annual accounts online is one of the most anticipated measures requested by the industry, and MBR has delivered on this demand. The annual accounts online filing is part and parcel of businesses’ legal obligations that must adhere to. This new digital initiative shall ease the work to practitioners and directors who must ensure that documents are submitted in a timely manner, save time and money for companies and get access to additional online services. We look forward to continue exploring new digital solutions to enhance our clients’ experience and services,” stated Dr. Spiteri Lucas.
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